February 23, 2025

Veteran Services

Roberts County “VETERANS” Service Office

Tanya McCarlson, CVSO

Veterans Service Office
Roberts County Courthouse
411 2nd Avenue East  Ste. 2
Sisseton, SD 57262-1403

Office hours: M-F   8:00am – 4:30pm
(Additional appointments available upon request)

Phone: (605) 698-7376
Fax:   (605) 698-4277
E-mail: [email protected]

The County Veterans Service Office advocates for veterans, their dependents, survivors and advises them of their rights and entitlements under various federal and state laws, guides them, and:

Assists in obtaining documents, medical statements and affidavits, and in preparing letters and statements in support of claims for compensation, pension, DIC, death pension for widows and children, Tricare, Champ VA, and loan programs;

Assists in gaining admission for eligible veterans to VA hospitals and community based outpatient clinics; Assists veterans and children of veterans in obtaining educational benefits to which they may be entitled;

Assists with applications for death benefits, headstones and markers, Presidential certificates.

Make the Connection – Mental Health Assistance